Often referred to as the Art of Peace, Aikido is a martial art of the contemporary world.
Aikido consists of three characters Ai-ki-do.
“Ai” refers to the principle of “blending” or “harmonising”
“ki” refers to “spirit” and “do”refers to “the way” or “path”.
Aikido therefore refers to the union or harmonisation of body and spirit.
Aikido is neither sport nor religion it is a “way”.

aikido at the aikido-ka
All senior members of The Aikido-ka school are members of the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo, which is made possible through our long affiliation with the the kumano juku dojo in Shingu Japan.

Our classes are open to all who share the vision of training in a cooperative and non competitive environment. No prior knowledge of martial arts is required and the training can be as vigorous as you and your training partner desire it to be.
A whole spectrum of experiences is possible ranging from the dynamic, vigorous and explosive to the more subtle and subdued.

Training times
Tues: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sat: 8:30am - 10:30am